Transport offer

From Berlin to Magdeburg

Collection and delivery details
Start date ⁱ
4 January 2024
! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc.
7 January 2024
Distance ⁱ
128.7 km
Start address ⁱ
Berlin, Germany
Arrival address ⁱ
Magdeburg, Germany
Start date ⁱ
4 January 2024
! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc.
7 January 2024
Distance ⁱ
128.7 km
Start address ⁱ
Berlin, Germany
Arrival address ⁱ
Magdeburg, Germany
Start date ⁱ
4 January 2024
! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc.
7 January 2024
Distance ⁱ
128.7 km
Start address ⁱ
Berlin, Germany
Arrival address ⁱ
Magdeburg, Germany
Waypoints where a lift is possible


What can be transported

Max. Number of bicycles:  2 

Max. Number of luggage:  2 

Vehicle available for transport
VW Sprinter
Additional information

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